About Us

Who we are

SJC Publishers Company Limited is the most trusted and distinguished publishing house based in Africa, committed to advancing global scholarship and innovation. With a strong foundation in academic and professional publishing, we strive to connect African research with the international community, ensuring that groundbreaking work from the continent reaches a worldwide audience.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to empower scholars, researchers, and professionals by providing a platform for their voices to be heard on the global stage. We are dedicated to fostering knowledge, promoting intellectual growth, and contributing to societal advancement through high-quality publications.

Our vision is to become a leading international publisher known for excellence, innovation, and a commitment to disseminating knowledge that can drive positive change both in Africa and around the world.

Our Commitment to Quality

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We adhere to rigorous peer review processes and ethical publishing standards to ensure that every piece of work we publish is of the highest caliber. Our editorial board comprises renowned scholars and experts who are dedicated to maintaining the integrity and excellence of our publications.

Global Reach and Impact

While rooted in Africa, SJC Publishers Company Limited has a broad international focus. Our publications are accessible to a global audience through various digital platforms and distribution channels. We partner with leading academic institutions, libraries, and online repositories to ensure that our content reaches researchers, practitioners, and policymakers around the world.

We Publish Research from all parts of the World

What We Publish

SJC Publishers Company Limited offers a diverse portfolio of publications, including:

  • Academic Journals: Covering a wide range of disciplines such as health research, social sciences, technology, and the humanities.
  • Books: Scholarly monographs, edited volumes, and professional handbooks that cater to both academic and professional audiences.
  • Conference ProceedingsDocumenting the latest research and developments presented at major academic and industry conferences.

Honoring Excellence in Research:  SJC-Research Prize

 SJC-Research Prize, an esteemed award presented by SJC Publishers Company Limited. This prestigious accolade is designed to recognize and celebrate the best research published within academic institutions under the auspices of SJC Publishers Company. Through this award, we aim to encourage groundbreaking research, foster academic excellence, and promote the dissemination of high-impact scholarly work.

About the SJC-Research Prize

The SJC-Research Prize is awarded annually to an outstanding research article or paper published in any of our affiliated academic journals. This prize is a testament to our commitment to supporting and recognizing exceptional research that advances knowledge and contributes to the betterment of society.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the SJC-Research Prize, the research must meet the following criteria:

  • Publication: The research must be published in one of the academic journals managed by SJC Publishers Company.
  • Affiliation: The lead author must be affiliated with an academic institution at the time of publication.
  • Originality and Impact: The research should demonstrate originality, rigor, and significant contribution to its respective field.
  • Publication Date: The research must have been published within the calendar year preceding the award year.

Selection Process

The selection process for the SJC-Research Prize is meticulous and transparent:

  1. Nomination: Eligible research articles are automatically nominated based on their publication in our journals.
  2. Evaluation: A distinguished panel of experts and scholars from various disciplines reviews the nominated articles. They assess each submission based on criteria such as originality, methodology, impact, and relevance.
  3. Shortlisting: A shortlist of the top candidates is created based on the evaluation scores.
  4. Final Decision: The final decision is made by the editorial board of SJC Publishers Company, ensuring that the most deserving research receives the prize.

Prize Details

The winner of the SJC-Research Prize will receive:

  • Cash Award: A monetary prize is always given to the best research Published.
  • Certificate of Excellence: An official certificate recognizing the outstanding achievement.
  • Publication Spotlight: Special recognition and promotion on the SJC Publishers Company website and social media channels.
  • Invitation to SJC Annual Conference: The winner will be invited to present their research at the SJC Annual Conference, providing an opportunity to showcase their work to a wider audience.

How to Apply

Researchers do not need to apply separately for the SJC-Research Prize. All eligible publications are automatically considered. However, if you believe your research meets the criteria and wish to ensure it is reviewed, please contact us at admin@sjpublishers.org

Previous Winners

We take pride in honoring researchers whose work exemplifies excellence. Past recipients of the SJC-Research Prize have made significant contributions to their fields and have set a high standard for future awardees.

Aaron Edeket

SJC Publishers Company Limited is proud to announce Aaron Edeket as the distinguished recipient of the SJC Research Prize 2024. This prestigious award was given in recognition of his outstanding research published at St. Francis Schools of Health Sciences in the year 2024

Cantigen Kyamulesire

He won the ward for the best research published at Medicare Health Professionals’ College in the year 2023. His study aimed at assessing the prevalence of surgical site infection among postoperative patients in the surgical ward at Hoima Regional Referral Hospital. The study documented a prevalence of surgical site infection at 14%.

SJC Publishers Company Limited is delighted to also announce Winfred Nanambi as the esteemed recipient of the SJC Research Prize 2023 at MIHS. This prestigious award is presented in recognition of her exceptional research conducted and published at the Mildmay Institute of Health Sciences.

Our Programs

Author Referral Program

Program Overview

SJC Publishers Company is delighted to introduce our Author Referral Program, a special initiative designed to reward our esteemed authors for their role in expanding our academic community. We value the contributions of our authors and believe that their recommendations are the best testament to the quality and integrity of our journals. This program allows authors to earn rewards by referring new authors to publish with any of our journals.

Program Details

  1. Eligibility
  • All current and past authors who have published at least one article with any journal under SJC Publishers Company are eligible to participate in the referral program.
  • Referred authors must be new to SJC Publishers Company and should not have any previously submitted or published works with any of our journals.
  1. How It Works
  • Referral Submission: Eligible authors can refer colleagues, peers, and other researchers to publish with SJC Publishers Company. To make a referral, the referring author must complete the Referral Form available on the SJC Publishers Company website and provide the contact details of the referred author.
  • Acknowledgement: The referred author must acknowledge the referral when submitting their manuscript by mentioning the referring author’s name and email in the submission form.
  • Successful Publication: A referral is considered successful once the referred author’s manuscript has undergone peer review and is accepted for publication in any SJC Publishers Company journal.
  1. Rewards
  • First Referral: For the first successful referral, the referring author will receive a $20 gift card or a discount of $20 on their next publication fee with any SJC Publishers Company journal.
  • Additional Referrals: For each additional successful referral, the referring author will receive a $25 gift card or a discount of $25 on their next publication fee with any SJC Publishers Company journal.
  • Top Referrer Award: At the end of each calendar year, the author with the most successful referrals will be awarded a special recognition certificate and a $80 cash prize or award.
  1. Conditions
  • There is no limit to the number of referrals an author can make.
  • Rewards are cumulative and can be combined for larger discounts or multiple gift cards.
  • The referred author must complete the submission process and have their manuscript accepted for publication for the referral to qualify.
  • Referral rewards will be issued within 30 days of the referred author’s manuscript acceptance.
  1. Program Benefits
  • For Referring Authors: Earn rewards and gain recognition for contributing to the growth of SJC Publishers Company. Enhance your professional network by bringing in new researchers.
  • For Referred Authors: Gain access to a reputable platform for publishing their research and benefit from a smooth submission process guided by the referring author’s experience.
  1. How to Join
  • Visit the SJC Publishers Company website and navigate to the Author Referral Program page.
  • Fill out the Referral Form with the necessary details of the referred author.
  • Encourage the referred author to submit their manuscript and mention the referral during submission.

Contact Information

For more information about the Author Referral Program, please contact:


We look forward to your participation and thank you for your continued support in making SJC Publishers Company a leading platform for academic and research publications. This referral program is designed to motivate current authors to bring new researchers to SJC Publishers Company, thereby expanding the reach and impact of the journals.

Capacity Building Program

Empowering Your Research Journey

At SJC Publishers Company, we are committed to fostering excellence in research through our comprehensive Capacity Building Program. Our program is designed to equip researchers with the essential skills, knowledge, and tools to excel in their respective fields. Whether you are a novice researcher or a seasoned academic, our diverse training modules cater to all levels of experience.

What We Offer

1. Research Methodology Training

  • Quantitative Methods: Learn the principles and applications of statistical analysis, data collection techniques, and hypothesis testing.
  • Qualitative Methods: Gain expertise in ethnographic research, case studies, interviews, and thematic analysis.

2. Data Analysis Workshops

  • Software Proficiency: Master the use of popular data analysis software such as SPSS, R, and NVivo.
  • Advanced Techniques: Explore advanced data analysis techniques, including multivariate analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.

3. Academic Writing and Publishing

  • Manuscript Preparation: Understand the structure and components of a research paper, from introduction to conclusion.
  • Publication Strategies: Learn the nuances of choosing the right journal, peer-review process, and responding to reviewers’ comments.

4. Grant Writing and Funding

  • Proposal Development: Develop compelling grant proposals with clear objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Funding Opportunities: Navigate various funding sources and learn how to tailor your proposals to different grant providers.

5. Ethical Research Practices

  • Ethics in Research: Familiarize yourself with ethical standards, consent procedures, and data privacy regulations.
  • Responsible Conduct: Embrace integrity and accountability in conducting and reporting your research.

6. Collaborative Research and Networking

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Engage in cross-disciplinary research projects and expand your academic network.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Participate in interactive workshops and seminars led by experts in various research fields.

Why Join Our Program?

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced researchers and industry experts.
  • Hands-On Experience: Engage in practical exercises and real-world applications.
  • Flexible Learning: Benefit from online and in-person training options.
  • Career Advancement: Enhance your research skills and boost your academic and professional career.

Impact of the Capacity Building Program at SJC Publishers Company on Improving the Quality of Research at Academic Institutions

The Capacity Building Program at SJC Publishers Company has made a significant and transformative impact on the quality of research conducted at academic institutions. By providing comprehensive training and resources, the program has empowered researchers, fostered innovation, and enhanced the overall academic landscape. Here are some key ways in which the program has improved research quality:

1. Enhanced Research Skills and Methodologies

Through a series of targeted workshops and training sessions, the program has equipped researchers with advanced skills in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Participants have reported a marked improvement in their ability to design robust studies, collect and analyze data effectively, and interpret results accurately. This has led to higher-quality research outputs that are methodologically sound and reliable.

2. Increased Publication Rates and Quality

The program’s focus on academic writing and publishing has significantly boosted publication rates among participants. Researchers have gained a deeper understanding of the manuscript preparation process, journal selection, and the peer-review system. As a result, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of articles accepted by high-impact journals, reflecting the improved quality and rigor of the research produced.

3. Successful Grant Applications and Funding Acquisition

Training in grant writing and proposal development has enabled researchers to secure funding more effectively. The program has demystified the grant application process, providing researchers with the skills to craft compelling proposals and navigate various funding opportunities. This has led to a higher success rate in grant applications, thereby increasing the financial support available for innovative research projects.

4. Promotion of Ethical Research Practices

By emphasizing the importance of ethical standards and responsible conduct in research, the program has cultivated a culture of integrity and accountability. Researchers are now more aware of ethical considerations, including informed consent, data privacy, and ethical review processes. This heightened awareness has contributed to more ethically sound research practices, enhancing the credibility and trustworthiness of academic research.

5. Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The program has facilitated interdisciplinary collaboration by bringing together researchers from diverse fields. Through networking opportunities, collaborative workshops, and joint research projects, participants have broadened their academic networks and engaged in cross-disciplinary research. This has led to innovative approaches and solutions to complex research questions, enriching the academic discourse.

6. Strengthening Institutional Research Capacity

At an institutional level, the program has strengthened research capacity by building a cohort of well-trained researchers. Academic institutions have benefited from having staff and faculty who are better equipped to conduct high-quality research, mentor students, and contribute to the institution’s research goals. This has led to an overall enhancement in the research output and reputation of these institutions.

7. Personal and Professional Development

Participants in the Capacity Building Program have experienced significant personal and professional growth. The skills and knowledge acquired through the program have not only improved their research capabilities but also boosted their confidence and career prospects. Many researchers have reported career advancements, such as promotions and increased recognition within their academic communities.

The Capacity Building Program at SJC Publishers Company has created a lasting impact on the quality of research at academic institutions. By providing researchers with essential skills, knowledge, and resources, the program has elevated the standards of academic research, fostered innovation, and contributed to the advancement of knowledge across various disciplines. As the program continues to grow and evolve, its positive influence on the academic research community is expected to expand even further.

Invitation to Enhance Your Research Excellence with SJC Publishers Company’s Capacity Building Program

We are excited to extend an invitation to your esteemed institution to participate in the Capacity Building Program offered by SJC Publishers Company. Our program is meticulously designed to empower researchers with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their academic pursuits, ensuring the highest standards of research excellence.

How to Enroll

We invite your institution to seize this opportunity to elevate your research standards and achieve greater academic success. For more information and to enroll in the Capacity Building Program, simply email us at admin@sjpublisher.org or WhatsApp us on +256775434261